Data storage for front-end JavaScript

Like every other programming environment, you need a place to store your data when coding in the browser with JavaScript. Beyond simple JavaScript variables, there are a variety of options ranging in sophistication, from using localStorage to cookies to IndexedDB and the service worker cache API. This article is a quick survey of the common mechanisms … Read more

Is OpenAI’s Sam Altman becoming a liability for Microsoft? – Computerworld

A very different person connected with Microsoft, one who helped turn it into the world’s most influential, powerful, and wealthy AI company, is Sam Altman, a founder and CEO of OpenAI. Microsoft has invested $13 billion in and is a close partner of OpenAI, which created the technology underlying Microsoft’s generative AI tool Copilot. Altman … Read more

Donald Trump's campaign joins TikTok, the app he once tried to ban; a TikTok official says there's a 2:1 ratio of pro-Trump versus pro-Biden content on the app (Politico)

Politico: Donald Trump’s campaign joins TikTok, the app he once tried to ban; a TikTok official says there’s a 2:1 ratio of pro-Trump versus pro-Biden content on the app  —  Trump’s joining of TikTok is a major win for the embattled app that’s fighting for its existence in Washington.